Medibank Private trades on ASX under the ticker symbol "MPL". Medibank Private (ASX:MPL) Frequently Asked Questions 1. Companies similar to Medibank Private (MPL) On the other hand utility stocks often have low betas because they tend to move more slowly than market averages. This indicates that adding the stock to a portfolio will increase the portfolio’s risk, but also increase its expected return. Technology stocks and small caps tend to have higher betas than the market benchmark. The MPL's stocks Beta value is 0.27 making it 73% less volatile compared to ASX market index. The market capitalization of Medibank Private is and its enterprise value is. The return on equity is calculated as net income divided by total share holders equity. The ideal return on equity is greater than 10%. The return on equity signifies how well the management is running the company in terms of capital management.

Profitability ratios are a class of financial metrics that are used to assess a business's ability to generate earnings relative to its revenue, operating costs, balance sheet assets, and shareholders' equity over time, using data from a specific point in time. The company was founded in 1976 and is based in Docklands, Australia. Medibank Private Limited underwrites its health insurance products under the Medibank and ahm brands. The Medibank Health segment provides health management and in-home care services, as well as a range of telehealth services to government and corporate customers and distributes travel, life, and pet insurance products. This segment also offers health insurance products to overseas visitors and overseas students.

The Health Insurance segment provides private health insurance products, including hospital cover that offers members with health cover for hospital treatments and ancillary cover, which provides members with health cover for healthcare services, such as dental, optical, and physiotherapy. The company operates through two segments, Health Insurance and Medibank Health. Medibank Private Limited, an integrated healthcare company, provides private health insurance and health solutions in Australia.